Annually, the good people at Career Cast release their list of the ten most stressful jobs for 2016.
The methodology of the survey is listed as follows:

Travel, amount of 0-10
Growth Potential (income divided by 100)
Deadlines 0-9
Working in the public eye 0-5
Competitiveness 0-15
Physical demands (stoop, climb, etc.) 0-14
Environmental conditions 0-13
Hazards encountered 0-5
Own life at risk 0-8
Life of another at risk 0-10
Meeting the public 0-8
It's no secret that the industry has been forced into cutbacks, restructuring and downsizing - while the workload has increased. Just examining the criteria up above, meeting the public, competitiveness, deadlines and growth potential have made the job more stressful.
Unlike other stressful jobs that involve tangible and visible stress factors, broadcaster's stress is abstract. While a fireman has to deal with the fire in front of them, broadcaster's have many smaller fires that they cannot see. The risk of failing publicly, while not immediately life threatening, wreaks havoc on one's nervous system.

So what are you doing about it?
When I ask broadcasters how they deal with stress or blow off steam, I would get varied responses. There were some who said they blow off steam with alcohol or marijuana. Not surprisingly, those people had little creative juice to offer at the Monday morning meeting.
Very early in my career, a program director asked me what "my release" from radio was. His was gaming. Wait. I need to find something else to do outside of radio? Radio was the release from everyday life.
This all seems very standard but you would be surprised how we bypass this great advice because we're too busy or figure we don't need it.
1. Get Your Sleep: You cannot function at your best without a well rested brain.
2. Drugs / Alcohol: Limit this or remove it outright. You know I am right. Stop yelling at your computer. Also your sleep is essentially destroyed by drugs and alcohol.
3. Exercise: At least an hour every other day.
4. Something Quiet: On those days when you don't do exercise, do this instead. It can be anything you want but it cannot involve a computer, the internet, a TV, Netflix or a movie. Why? Because TV screens emit a light that stimulate the brain and keep you up at night. You do not have to decrease your consumption online, but don't do it and call it down time. Read a book, walk the dog, take yoga; it's really about time to yourself.
5. Take Advantage of your company's Insurance Plan: Some plans cover massage. Get one. Want to spout off about work? Get a therapist and have them listen to how screwed up your workday is. It's money well spent. It's probably also covered on your insurance plan.
6. Vacation Smartly: Plan it well in advance and use all your vacation. Don't wait until your completely exhausted before planning to take one. By that time, it's too late.
Any suggestions to add? Please e-mail me and I will add it.
Broadcasting is stressful; managing that stress is the key to career longevity.