When Astral Media hired Australian Ronnie Stanton in 2008 to head up 95 Crave in Vancouver, it sent a message that things were not going to be different at the newly expanded media company. Ronnie was one half a the successful Chrissie and Ronnie show from the Sunshine coast in Australia; where being number one meant beating the number 2 and 3 stations by their combined share.
Ronnie lead the 95.3 conversion to Virgin Radio and made a bold decision to cross the street to Corus Radio's two rock properties World Famous CFOX 99.3 and Rock 101. Amongst the many things I learned was that he had no previous rock programming experience, which makes his triumph in Vancouver all that much greater.
Late last year, Ronnie accepted an offer to work at Alpha Media as the VP/Programming and is based out of San Jose. He has immigrated to both Canada and the United States now, and is more than qualified to share and compare what those experiences are like.
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In this episode, I made reference to Ronnie's blog piece about how your radio station is like a restaurant. You can read that here.